Stories in the Streets: An Interactive Audio History of Gettysburg

Stories in the Streets: An Interactive History of Gettysburg

Welcome to Stories in the Streets!

This is a "choose-your-own-adventure" style audio tour that allows you to discover Gettysburg as you walk through the streets. 

There are three ways to navigate this tour
1- Follow the tour down the street, stopping at each site
2- Choose from a list of themes to find sites that deal with topics you find interesting 
3- Select any location and theme without taking a tour

This tour is meant to allow you to wander the streets freely and discover something new. It is sorted into three levels of interpretation. Children for the younger members of your group, Intermediate for those who are new to the history of the town of Gettysburg, and Advanced for those history buffs who want more information in their tour.

Here, we aim to show the depth of history in Gettysburg, and connect the past to the present. This tour is about the history of Gettysburg as a town, and how it has changed over the years. There is something here for everyone to learn.

To begin, click "Begin Tour" down below to select a navigation style. 


This site is a product of the DSSF Program at Gettysburg College. The site as you see it is what was produced over a summer, and is still a work in progress. Come back soon for more updates and expansions on existing material!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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